About Sean Linfoot


As the sole proprietor of Linfoot Repairs, I bring a Christian-based, integrity-driven ethos to every service call. With a commitment to transparency, I specialize in repairing broken appliances of any brand, undertaking small handyman tasks as well. From Bosch refrigerators to vintage Coke vending machines, I’ve tackled a diverse array of repairs. My approach involves stocking my truck with commonly needed parts, ensuring a swift and efficient resolution to common failures. What sets me apart is my willingness to take on challenging jobs that others might deem irreparable, all while prioritizing customer education on the repair process. At Linfoot Repairs, I am dedicated to providing sound, educated repairs and exceeding your expectations.

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Let's Fix Your Appliances

Our goal is to provide you with exceptional customer service and high-quality repairs that exceed your expectations.

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How Linfoot Began

I wasn’t always saved by Christ. At one point in time I was living in a dark place of sin, however, God Was preparing me to know Him and to serve his people. He gave me a passion to work with my hands to take things apart and to labor and serve.

When I was 16 I was driving around all of the Eastern seaboard working for a company that inspected and repaired playground equipment. This was honestly one of the best jobs I’ve ever had because- who didn’t want to climb on the outside of playground equipment and get paid for it? This is where my obsession with tools began as I got to buy my own tool sets when my father had so many that I got to play with frequently. After working long weeks and away from the house I had a career change to become a plumber working on rough ins ( building the backbone of the plumbing system)  on new houses and getting accustomed with working around other Tradesmen.

When my daughter was born I once more switched occupations due to the long hours required from Plumbing to a regular 9:00 to 5:00 job working as a Wastewater inspector up in the Mooresville and surrounding areas. This is where my story truly begins to get traction and where I can piece things together and say that I see God moving strongly through my life. My manager at the time was a very devout Christian and he recommended I take the 30-day K-Love challenge. K-Love, for those who do not know, is a radio station on 94.1FM.  The challenge is simple: Listen to Only Christian music for 30 days and see where my head and heart are afterwards. After 26 days of taking the challenge I decided that I was going to take a leap of faith and pray on my way home from work as I was going through one of the darkest times of my life — my divorce.

I felt like I had nothing to live for and no hope for a better future to bring more joy. Boy did I find that I was wrong, God had great plans for me – just like he does for you. A month later after asking God for direction in my life for guidance and for a purpose I get an email and a phone call from Mr Appliance’s owner in Mooresville. Mr Appliance had just opened up their first location in the area and was looking for technicians, I was the first and only technician for the Mooresville location before they sold to the Huntersville location. I was blessed that they took me in when I had no experience and they trained me up. I took online courses to learn the ins and outs of appliance repair as well as reading wiring diagrams and component troubleshooting during that time.

Due to the previous occupations I’ve held, God had prepared the way for me and I found a new passion. After remaining with Mr Appliance for nearly 6 years I felt God bringing me into a new season of life as my mother was going through her cancer treatment I found myself having to change my schedule more and more frequently. God told me to step out on my own, from the comfortable safe position I held as lead technician for Mr Appliance of Huntersville, to serve his people and to follow his word. I’ve been loyally serving as best as I can in all regards from my plumbing to appliance repair and anything in between for the past 2 years and have been abundantly blessed to meet all the people I have along the way who supported me and lifted me up so that I may do the same for others.